Pérez-Granados, C., Bas, J.M, Artola, J., Sampol, K., Bassols, E., Vicens, N., Bota, G., Roura-Pascual, N. (2021) Testing the selectiveness of electric harps: a mitigation method for reducing Asian hornet impacts at beehives. Preprint available here.
Roura-Pascual, N., Saul, W.-C., Pérez-Granados, C., Rutting, L., Peterson, G.D., Latombe, G., Essl, F., Adriaens, T., Aldridge, D.C., Bacher, S., Bernardo-Madrid, R., Brotons, L., Diaz, F., Gallardo, B., Genovesi, P., Golivets, M., González-Moreno, P., Hall, M., Kutlesa, P., Lenzner, B., Liu, C., Pagitz, K., Pastor, T., Rabitsch, W., Robertson, P., Roy, H.E., Seebens, H., Solarz, W., Starfinger, U., Tanner, R., Vilà, M., Leung, B., Garcia-Lozano, C. and Jeschke, J.M., 2022. A scenario-guided strategy for the future management of biological invasions. bioRxiv: 2022.09.07.506838.
Pérez-Granados, C., Lenzner, B., Golivets, M., Saul, W.-C., Jeschke, J.M., Essl, F., Peterson, G.D., Rutting, L., Latombe, G., Adriaens, T., Aldridge, D.C., Bacher, S., Bernardo-Madrid, R., Brotons, L., Díaz, F., Gallardo, B., Genovesi, P., González-Moreno, P., Kühn, I., Kutleša, P., Leung, B., Liu, C., Pagitz, K., Pastor, T., Pauchard, A., Rabitsch, W., Roy, H.E., Robertson, P., Seebens, H., Solarz, W., Starfinger, U., Tanner, R., Vilà, M., Roura-Pascual, N., 2022. European scenarios for future biological invasions. bioRxiv: 2022.09.13.507777.
Villero D, Montori A, Llorente GA, Roura-Pascual N, Geniez P, Brotons L. (2022) Global warming and long-distance spread of invasive Discoglossus pictus (Amphibia, Alytidae): conservation implications for protected amphibians in the Iberian Peninsula. Animals (Basel) 12(23): 3236.
Herrera C, Williams M, Encarnação J, Roura-Pascual N, Faulhaber B, Jurado-Rivera JA, Leza M. (2022) Automated detection of the yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina) using an optical sensor with machine learning. Pest Management Science. https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.7296.
Liu C, Wolter C, Courchamp F, Roura-Pascual N, Jeschke JM. (2022) Biological invasions reveal how niche change affects the transferability of species distribution models. Ecology 103(8): e3719.
Latombe, G., Seebens, H., Lenzner, B., Courchamp, F., Dullinger, S., Golivets, M., Kühn, I., Leung, B., Roura-Pascual, N., Cebrian, E., Dawson, W., Diagne, C., Jeschke, J.M., Pérez-Granados, C., Liu, C., Moser, D., Turbelin, A., Visconti, P., Essl, F. (2021). Capacity of countries to reduce biological invasions. Sustainability Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-022-01166-3.
Roura-Pascual, N., Leung, B., Rabitsch, W., Rutting, L., Vervoort, J., Bacher, S., Dullinger, S., Erb, K.-H., Jeschke, J. M., Katsanevakis, S., Kühn, I., Lenzner, B., Liebhold, A. M., Obersteiner, M., Pauchard, A., Peterson, G. D., Roy, H. E., Seebens, H., Winter, M., Burgman, M. A., Genovesi, P., Hulme, P. E., Keller, R. P., Latombe, G., McGeoch, M. A., Ruiz, G. M., Scalera, R., Springborn, M. R., von Holle, B. & Essl, F. (2021) Alternative futures for biological invasions. Sustainability Science 16: 1637-1650.
Lenzner, B., Latombe, G., Capinha, C., Bellard, C., Courchamp, F., Diagne, C., Dullinger, S., Golivets, M., Irl, S. D., Kühn, I., Leung, B., Liu, C., Moser, D., Roura-Pascual, N., Seebens, H., Turbelin, A., Weigelt, P., Essl, F. (2020) What will the future bring for biological invasions on islands? An expert-based assessment. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 280.
Essl F, Lenzner B, Bacher S, Bailey S, Capinha C, Daehler C, Dullinger S, Genovesi P, Hui C, Hulme PE, Jeschke JM, Katsanevakis S, Kühn I, Leung B, Liebhold A, Liu C, MacIsaac HJ, Meyerson LA, Nuñez MA, Pauchard A, Pyšek P, Rabitsch W, Richardson DM, Roy HE, Ruiz GM, Russell JC, Sanders NJ, Sax DF, Scalera R, Seebens H, Springborn M, Turbelin A, van Kleunen M, von Holle B, Winter M, Zenni RD, Mattsson BJ, Roura-Pascual N. (2020) Drivers of future alien species impacts: An expert-based assessment. Global Change Biology 26:4880-4893.
Lenzner B, Leclère D, Franklin O, Seebens H, Roura-Pascual N, Obersteiner M, Dullinger S, Essl F. (2019) A framework for global twenty-first century scenarios and models of biological invasions. BioScience 69(6): 697-710
Latombe G, Roura‐Pascual N, Hui C (2019) Similar compositional turnover but distinct insular environmental and geographical drivers of native and exotic ants in two oceans. Journal of Biodiversity 46(10): 2299-2310.
Essl F, Lenzner B, Courchamp F, Dullinger S, Jeschke JM, Kühn I, Leung B, Moser D, Roura-Pascual N, Seebens H. (2019) Introducing AlienScenarios: a project to develop scenarios and models of biological invasions for the 21st century. NeoBiota 45: 1-17.
Peterson AT, Anderson A, Beger M, Brotons L, Burridge C, Cobos ME, Cuervo-Robayo AP, Di minin E, Diez J, Elith J, Embling CB, Escobar LE, Essl F, Feeley KJ, Hawkes L, Jiménez-García D, Jimenez L, Green DM, Knop E, Kühn I, Lahoz-Monfort JJ, Lira-Noriega A, Lobo JM, Loyola R, Mac Nally R, Machado-Stredel F, Martínez-Meyer E, McCarthy M, Merow C, Nori J, Nuñez-Penichet C, Osorio-Olvera L, Pyšek P, Rejmánek M, Ricciardi A, Robertson M, Rojas Soto O, Romero-Alvarez D, Roura-Pascual N, Santini L, Schoeman DS, Schröder B, Soberon J, Strubbe T, Varela S, Watson JE, Wiersma Y, Wintle B, Yañez-Arenas C, Zurell D. (2019) Open access solutions for biodiversity journals: Do not replace one problem with another. Diversity and Distriutions 25 (1): 5-8.
Doblas-Miranda E, Alonso R, Arnan X, Bermejo V, Brotons L, de las Heras J, Estiarte M, Hódar JA, Llorens P, Lloret F, López-Serrano FR, Martínez-Vilalta J, Moya D, Peñuelas J, Pino J, Rodrigo A, Roura-Pascual N, Valladares F, “A review of the combination among global change factors in forests, shrublands and pastures of the Mediterranean Region: Beyond drought effects.” Global and Planetary Change 148 (2017): 42-54. Download pdf
Roura-Pascual, N.; Sanders, N.J.; Hui, C. “The distribution and diversity of insular ants: do exotic species play by different rules?.” Global Ecology and Biogeography 25 (2016): 642-654.
Planas Lladó, Anna; Feliu Soley, Lídia; Fraguell Sansbelló, Rosa Maria; Arbat Pujolras, Gerard; Pujol Planella, Joan; Roura-Pascual, Núria; Josep Suñol Martínez, Joan; Montoro Moreno, Lino “Student perceptions of peer assessment: an interdisciplinary study.” Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 39 (2014): 592-610.
Horak J, Hui C, Roura-Pascual N, Romportl D “Changing roles of propagule, climate, and land use during extralimital colonization of a rose chafer beetle.” Naturwissenschaften 100 (2014): 327-336.
Miravete, V.; Roura-Pascual, N.; Dunn, R.; Gómez, C. “How many and which ant species are being accidentally moved around the world?.” Biology Letters 9 (2013): 20130540-.
Miravete V; Roura-Pascual N; Gómez C. “Presence of Monomorium carbonarium (F. Scmith, 1858) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in North-East of Iberian Peninsula..” Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 53 (2013): 339-340.
Leung B, Roura-Pascual N, Bacher S, Heikkila J, Brotons L, Burgman MA, Dehnen-Schmutz K, Essl F, Hulme PE, Richardson DM, Sol D, Vila M “Addressing a critique of the TEASI framework for invasive species risk assessment.” Ecology Letters 16 (2013): 1415-U16.
Leung B, Roura-Pascual N, Bacher S, Heikkila J, Brotons L, Burgman MA, Dehnen-Schmutz K, Essl F, Hulme PE, Richardson DM, Sol D, Vila M “TEASIng apart alien species risk assessments: a framework for best practices.” Ecology Letters 15 (2012): 1475-1493.
Hui C, Roura-Pascual N, Brotons L, Robinson RA, Evans KL “Flexible dispersal strategies in native and non-native ranges: environmental quality and the ‘good-stay, bad-disperse’ rule.” Ecography 35 (2012): 1024-1036.
Rinnhofer LJ, Roura-Pascual N, Arthofer W, Dejaco T, Thaler-Knoflach B, Wachter GA, Christian E, Steiner FM, Schlick-Steiner BC “Iterative species distribution modelling and ground validation in endemism research: an Alpine jumping bristletail example.” Biodiversity and Conservation 22 (2012): 2845-2863.
Roura-Pascual N, Brotons L, Garcia D, Zamora R, de Caceres M “Local and landscape-scale biotic correlates of mistletoe distribution in Mediterraean pine forests.” Forest Systems 21 (2012): 179-188.
Roura-Pascual, Núria; Hui, Cang; Ikeda, Takayoshi; Leday, Gwénaël; Richardson, David M.; Carpintero, Soledad; Espadaler, Xavier; Gómez, Crisanto; Guénard, Benoit; Hartley, Stephen; Krushelnycky, Paul; Lester, Philip J.; McGeo “Relative roles of climatic suitability and anthropogenic influence in determining the pattern of spread in a global invader.” PNAS 108 (2011): 220-225.
Roura-Pascual N, Richardson DM, Chapman RA, Hichert T, Krug RM “Managing biological invasions: charting courses to desirable futures in the Cape Floristic Region.” Regional Environmental Change 11 (2011): 311-320.
Roura-Pascual, N.; Bas, J. M.; Hui, C. “The spread of the Argentine ant: environmental determinants and impacts on native ant communities.” Biological Invasions 12 (2010): 2399-2412.
Krug RM, Roura-Pascual N, Richardson DM “Clearing of invasive alien plants under different budget scenarios: using a simulation model to test efficiency.” Biological Invasions 12 (2010): 4099-4112.
Roura-Pascual N, Krug RM, Richardson DM, Hui C “Spatially-explicit sensitivity analysis for conservation management: exploring the influence of decisions in invasive alien plant management.” Diversity and Distributions 16 (2010): 426-438.
Hortal J, Roura-Pascual N, Sanders NJ, Rahbek C “Understanding (insect) species distributions across spatial scales.” Ecography 33 (2010): 51-53.
Richardson DM, Iponga DM, Roura-Pascual N, Krug RM, Milton SJ, Hughes GO, Thuiller W “Accommodating scenarios of climate change and management in modelling the distribution of the invasive tree Schinus molle in South Africa.” Ecography 33 (2010): 1049-1061.
Abril, S.; Roura-Pascual, N.; Oliveras, J.; Gomez, C. “Assessing the distribution of the Argentine ant using physiological data.” Acta oecologica : international journal of ecology 35 (2009): 739-745.
Roura-Pascual, N.; Bas, J.M.; Thuiller, W.; Hui, C.; Krug, Rainer M.; Brotons, Lluís “From introduction to equilibrium: reconstructing the invasive pathways of the Argentine ant in a Mediterranean region.” Global Change Biology 15 (2009): 2101-2115.
Roura-Pascual N, Richardson DM, Krug RM, Brown A, Chapman RA, Forsyth GG, Le Maitre DC, Robertson MP, Stafford L, Van Wilgen BW, Wannenburgh A, Wessels N “Ecology and management of alien plant invasions in South African fynbos: Accommodating key complexities in objective decision making.” Biological Conservation 142 (2009): 1595-1604.
van Wilgen NJ, Roura-Pascual N, Richardson DM “A quantitative climate-match score for risk-assessment screening of reptile and amphibian introductions.” Environmental Management 44 (2009): 590-607.
Wetterer JK, Wild AL, Suarez AV, Roura-Pascual N, Espadaler X “Worldwide spread of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).” Myrmecological News 12 (2009): 187-194.
Roura-Pascual, N. “Towards an efficient management of biological invasions.” Frontiers of Biogeography 1 (2009): 13-14.
Pons, P.; Bas, J.M.; Prodon, R.; Roura-Pascual, N.; Clavero, M. “Territory characteristics and coexistence with heterospecifics in the Dartford warbler Sylvia undata across a habitat gradient.” Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62 (2008): 1217-1228.
Roura-Pascual, N.; Suarez, A.V. “The Utility of species distribution models to predict the spread of invasive ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and to anticipate changes in their ranges in the face of global climate change.” Myrmecological News 11 (2008): 67-77.
Roura-Pascual, N.; Suarez, A.V.; Gómez, C.; Pons, P.; Touyama, Y.; Wild, A.L.; McNyset, K.; Gascon, F.; Peterson, A.T. “Niche differentiation and fine-scale projections for Argentine Ants based on remotely-sensed data.” Ecological Applications 16 (2006): 1832-1841.
Roura-Pascual N, Brotons L, Peterson AT, Thuiller W “Consensual predictions of potential distributional areas for invasive species: a case study of Argentine ants in the Iberian Peninsula.” Biological Invasions 11 (2006): 1017-1031.
Gómez, C.; Roura-Pascual, N.; Birkemoe, T. “Argentine ants infesting norwegian flats.” Norwegian Journal of Entomology 52 (2005): 63-64.
Roura-Pascual, N; Pons, P.; Etienne, M.; Lambert, B. “Transformation of a rural landscape in the Eastern Pyrenees between 1953 and 2000.” Mountain Research and Development 25 (2005): 252-261.
Roura-Pascual, N.; Suarez, A.V.; Gómez, C.; Pons, P.; Touyama, Y.; Wild, A.L.; Towsend Peterson, A. “Geographic potential of Argentine ants (Linepithema humile Mayr) in the face of global climate change.” Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological Sciences 271 (2004): 2527-2535.