Biological invasions in Europe

Within the Alien project, we distributed a survey among managers across Europe to understand their perceptions of trends in biological invasions and management practices. The details of the survey and the main results are outlined in the following scientific paper. To make the results accessible to everyone, we created the following platform that displays the…

Control of invasions: Vespa velutina

Avaluació de la utilitat de les arpes elèctriques per reduir la pressió de la vespa asiàtica en explotacions apícoles (VELUTINA) La vespa asiàtica (Vespa velutina ssp. nigrithorax) és una espècie invasora originària de la Xina. Es va introduir accidentalment a França l’any 2004 mitjançant el transport de mercaderies i s’ha estès fins ara a 8…

Scenarios for biological invasions

Developing scenarios for the management of biological invasions at the European level Most research related to biological invasions is dominated by studies from the field of invasion ecology, although there is growing interest in developing more problem-oriented research, where synergies and links are formed between multiple disciplines to guide policy-development. AlienScenarios has been a three-years…

Prioritization of areas for clearing alien plants

We develop a decision-making tool for the management of invasive alien trees in the Cape Floristic Region (South Africa). We conducted numerous interviews and workshops with managers in order to understand how management actions take place and what the most influential variables are. This information was used to design of a prioritization tool, subsequently incorporated…

Distribution patterns: invasive ants

We formulated predictions of the distribution of the highly invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) at multiple spatial scales by means of species distribution models. Subsequently, I refined those results by incorporating information on the species’ dispersal capacity within a spread model, and also investigated the relative roles of abiotic, biotic and human-related factors on the…

Land use changes

In the middle of the 20th century, the South of the Madres and Mont Coronat massif (Eastern Pyrenees, France) were characterised by a Mediterranean cultural landscape shaped by human activity. The long-term use of these mountains for crops, livestock and forestry had increased grassland areas at the expense of forest. However, social transformation (agriculture abandonment…

Onteger tempo News 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse congue velit nec enim auctor, ac porta sem varius. Vivamus sit amet tellus vel libero lacinia consequat sit amet ac nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend convallis mi ac pellentesque. Suspendisse commodo tempus tellus, eget convallis nisl molestie ac. Vivamus id…

Molestie nec vitae arcu News 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse congue velit nec enim auctor, ac porta sem varius. Vivamus sit amet tellus vel libero lacinia consequat sit amet ac nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend convallis mi ac pellentesque. Suspendisse commodo tempus tellus, eget convallis nisl molestie ac. Vivamus id…